The printed version of the items on this page as well as all equivalent translated versions are available for volume discount. Orders exceeding 100 pamphlets in any combination reduce the per pamphlet price from $1.00 to $0.75 each.
The titles below are also available as a downloadable e-book. Visit our e-book store here.
Most popular! Basic outreach pamphlet, which includes self-assessment questions.
Audio version of the basic outreach pamphlet as a downloadable mp3 file.
A thoughtful explanation of what abstinence means in SAA.
An analogy about sex addiction. A great pamphlet for newcomers.
This is for sex addicts whose partners discovered their acting-out behavior. It offers experience in dealing with this situation.
"Many of us recognize healthier sexuality when we experience something very different from what we knew in our addiction" Sex Addicts Anonymous, p. 71.
A Guide for Working the First Step on Intimacy and Sexual Avoidance or Sexual Anorexia
Excellent aid for preparing a thorough First Step. This is the same pamphlet that has been sold for years in booklet form, but now in a more compact form and at a reduced price.
Whether we're just coming into the SAA fellowship or have been here awhile, we realize we cannot stop our sexual addiction by our own unaided efforts.
This pamphlet offers information about SAA to the suffering sex addict as well as others.
This pamphlet has many valuable recovery suggestions and insights that are useful for any recovering member or group, even though its titled focus is on Compulsive Sexual Avoidance.
Here we offer one way to uncover and transform hidden reservations by expressing the steps in an amusing, distorted way.
In SAA, spirituality is a personal matter. This pamphlet helps individual members learn to develop their own form of spirituality.
Recovering from inner-circle behavior for anyone who has returned after acting out.
This pamphlet has many valuable recovery suggestions and insights that are useful for any recovering member or group, even though its titled focus is on Women newcomers.
Helping Women Feel Welcome in Your Meeting
This pamphlet has many valuable recovery suggestions and insights that are useful for any recovering member or group, even though its titled focus is on Women in Meetings.
Especially helpful to the newcomer who still may be struggling with acting out on the Internet.
A basic tool used by SAA members to establish personal sexual boundaries.
A pamphlet for those members who are troubled by the "God" aspects of the program.
Audio version as a downloadable mp3 file.
Suggestions for corresponding with sex addicts who are in prison.
A good sampling of SAA literature for starting a new meeting.
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